Tools for generating visualizations of the hydrogen bond interactions identified by Hbind.

Hbind is software for rigorously defining intermolecular H-bonds by donor/acceptor chemistry and geometric constraints, which was developed, used, and described in detail in

  • Raschka, Sebastian, Alex Wolf, Joseph Bemister‐Buffington, and Leslie A. Kuhn (2018) “Protein-ligand interfaces are polarized: discovery of a strong trend for intermolecular hydrogen bonds to favor donors on the protein side with implications for predicting and designing ligand complexes” Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design (accepted manuscript) [biorxiv preprint]

[Interactions between an PKCI-substrate analog (1KPF) with its ligand (adenosine monophsophate) via HbindViz and PyMOL; hydrogen atoms not shown]