
Installing Hbind requires Perl and the GCC compiler, both of which come pre-installed with most Unix- and Linux-based operating systems.

To install Hbind, simply download this repository, unpack it, and navigate into the main Hbind folder. Then, execute the following command in your terminal:


Upon successful installation, the Hbind software will be ready to use from the bin/ subdirectory. To show the help and usage menu execute execute the following command in your terminal:

./bin/hbind -h

HBIND Version: 1.0.0

Raschka, Wolf, Bemister-Buffington, Kuhn (2018)
Protein Structure and Analysis Lab, MSU (

-p STRING     Path to protein PDB file
-l STRING     Path to ligand mol2 file (in docked conformation)
-s            Include saltbridges in the output
-t            Include a summary table in the output

Please see the "User Guide" section for more information on how to use Hbind.